Thursday, 19 June 2008

Taste where?

About 25 years ago I guess, there was a hilarious ad on television for Brooke Bond Red Mountain instant coffee. The theme was rugged outdoors Americana with a throaty male voice extolling the virtues of the coffee in song. One line has stuck with me over the years which began: "You need a bigger taste..." and then "...right in your coffee cup". It's the word "right" that always got me going. Not just in your coffee, but "right" in your coffee cup. Somehow it evoked an image of aimed accuracy ("right in the bullseye"), and of other coffees getting the whole thing wrong and ending up with their bigger taste somewhere else, maybe the sugar bowl, or over the table cloth. I know it's just a lyric, and lines have to scan, but still. Where do you want that bigger taste, sir? Right in my coffee cup, waiter, if you'd be so kind.

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